Hello you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
And exactly that.. you don’t need anyone to save you, but to love you, while you save yourself. Because true love heals and will help.
What we all want is to be with someone next to whom we feel safe and loved, protected and understood. And especially when we feel that no one can love us because of the difficulties we are going through. When we feel neither beautiful nor worthy of love.
We want someone who will love us and be there by our side, while we are looking for our inner hero. Who will sit with us in the dark, because they want to, because they see our essence. They don’t look at us through our pain or their needs, but through love and understanding.
And that, my dear, is pure love, and that is already the path to healing, the help you need.
Exactly that.. you don’t need anyone to save you, but to love you, while you save yourself. Because true love heals and will help.
However, going through negative experiences, having relationships where they were not loved, many people close in on themselves, thinking that no one will love them or understand them when they are in chaos.
In fact, those who will love you then and want to be there for you are rare.
Because it is easy to love others when they shine.
And you will recognize love right then. When you are a mess. Love meets you just then, not when you are at your best, but when you are full of difficulties. When you feel lost. So don’t close your heart. And never think that you are not worthy of love.
Because.. we all have such periods and that does not make us unworthy of love.
So love yourself first of all. To recognize how love feels. To know what you want, to know your limits, to know what love is not.
It will help you to choose the one who will hold your hand while you go through difficulties together. Not the one who will add stress, drama and deepen your wounds.
It will also help you not to expect from others, as it is popularly said: to fix you. You are not broken, first of all, and then the expectations are suffocating. You are responsible for yourself and not others. Others can only be there if they want to, not because it is expected of them. Don’t expect others to save you, but save yourself. And allow yourself to be loved..
And as I said, love heals, helps.. that is enough to help you, to know that you are not alone and that you are not going through difficulties alone. But that you are given the opportunity to heal yourself or whatever you need to do to get back up vibrationally and shine again.
That’s what love does. That’s the power of love.
When people are loved in the right way, they shine differently and wounds heal.
Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏💙
Love and namaste,
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