Good morning you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Are you afraid of losing people? Someone you love or care about? Those who aren’t down to you anyway? Why?

Of course, when you love someone, you don’t want to be separated with that person, and then that feeling of pain arises at the very thought of losing them (being separated from them), and that’s ok.

Just don’t let it become your reality and instead of loving them you spend your time fearing. Because, we all have the right to decide what and WHO we love or want.. accept that. Save yourself the suffering.

SO.. Always do your best, give yourself 100% and love.. however recognize when you are not loved. It will help you not to be afraid of losing people who are not for you.

Don’t be afraid of losing others darling, be afraid of losing yourself trying to please and keep others around.

‘I used to be so afraid of losing people, until i realized most of them were never really down for me in the first place. Even though my loyalty and love for them ran deep, they could careless. So instead of being afraid of losing them, I fell back and watched them lose me Wow, growth!”

Then.. You can’t lose anything you didn’t have in the first place. And you can’t own anyone.

People are free to choose, so are you.

People come and go.. face it. Those who grow in the same direction as we.. they will stay.

As usual.. everything starts with ourselves. Focus on yourself. When you accept who you are and when you start loving yourself.. you will start to invite different kind of people into your life.. hence why all those who no longer vibrate on the same level as you.. will go away.

The more you love who you are the less you will seek approval from others.. you will not desperately want to keep those who are not there for you anyway, who do not choose you!

Because when you start loving yourself, you will start to respect yourself, and others too. Things will become clearer, no matter how painful they are. And they will be. Of course.

You will understand that it is not your right to be afraid of losing them, but to love them.. and that it is their right and choice to leave you, just like yours.

You will be aware of your values, hence why losing someone who doesn’t share core values as you do, is actually a gain. Gain of freedom. And giving yourself the opportunity to meet someone who will love you for who you are, instead of changing yourself and your essence for the sake of keeping a person who doesn’t see YOU, next to you.

So.. Whenever you lose someone but find yourself you won! It’s kind of win-win situation. I repeat, of course, good byes can usually be very painful and not always beautiful, so keep in mind that you give yourself time to understand and heal, bearing in mind all that I said. You need you.

So, dear, set your boundaries.

‘Be comfortable with people being uncomfortable with your boundaries.’

I can’t stress enough that setting healthy boundaries is a must. It’s not selfish but self respect.

How to know what a healthy boundary is? Everytime when you say ‘yes’ to others and ‘no’ to yourself, everytime you stay somewhere where you feel misunderstood, mistreated, unloved are just some of the indicators that you are crossing that line.

Everything changes when you start to love yourself.

Set standards and boundaries on how you expect to be treated and you will be surprised how many people will disappear from your life. All those who had some kind of “benefit” from your lack of self love and boundaries. It is a win-win situation. You find yourself and you lose them.

People will be upset.. learn to accept it like a natural order of things.

This is an excellent way to clear your circle – let new people into your life by getting rid of those who had a ‘toxic’ impact on you.

How many of you stay(ed) in abusive relationships and not abused physically but mentally, which is even more damaging for your health? Emotional abuse is dangerous. Being abused verbally, psychologically wont leave visible marks on your skin, but very deep marks on your soul, mind & heart.

Start loving yourself. Work on limits and positive self-talk. Choose people who are good for your health.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🏻🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.