Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏
Are you too busy for living your life?
Are you too busy for love?

Next time you say: “Oh I wish this.. but I don’t have time for it now.”, try saying “It’s not my priority” instead and see how it feels.

Think about the things you wish to do.. but you do nothing about them. To do them.

‘It’s 2am and I’m lying in bed with nothing but the idea of you and I.’

Sleepless night, waiting for someone to message you first, hoping they think about you in the same way. We were all there.

Some are still there.

So.. did you tell them? Would you like to know whether they feel the same? Well.. there is only one way to find out.

Simplify things in life. Don’t lose your sleep thinking whether or not someone thinks of you.

Tell them how you feel.

It’s not easy? So what? Face your fear! Don’t let your ego get in the way.

Are you afraid of their reaction? You have many questions, expectations.. creating possible & impossible scenarios.

You’re letting your ego to control you.

Let your heart guide you. Your heart wants to let other people know how you feel about them. Their answer doesn’t matter!

But your mind is stopping your heart from expressing feelings. Your mind wants to win whereas your heart wants to show love.

Don’t let your fear win.

Always give 100% to avoid future regrets.

There is no greater agony than keeping things unsaid or undone. Things that make your heart smile and beat faster. These things matter the most and if you decide not to fulfill the desires of your heart, you are torturing it. It is agony and madness.

Love is for the brave. Be brave, share what you feel. You can’t lose anything.. you can only win.

So think this:

Are you too busy for living your life?
Are you too busy for love?

What if you wake up one day and you’re 70.. and you realise that you didn’t say I love you as much as you wanted, to people you love.. you didn’t wear comfy clothes that you always wanted, thinking that you have to dress to impress others.. or you didn’t get divorced, being a people-pleaser instead. Or maybe you didn’t make time for yourself, to see sunsets and sunrises, time to pursue your dreams, thinking.. I wish, but I have no time.

What if you wake up and you’re 70 realising that you lived your life without love, prioritising things that don’t matter.. spending your time on things that don’t fill your soul with love and passion.

Stop saying I will do this tomorrow.. because tomorrow may not come. Do things while you can still do them. All you have is now.

We make time for things and people that matter to us. So if you think of someone who means a lot to you.. but thinking you have no time for them.. Think again. How much they matter to you if you don’t MAKE your time for them. Think about your priorities, where do you spend your time and how?

Next time you say: “Oh I have no time for this”, try saying “it’s not my priority” instead and see how it feels.

Love you,

Irina 💙🦄

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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.