As long as we are together and have love for each other, as long as we respect and are there for each other, nothing else matters and cannot destroy what we build.

As long as I’m protected and free next to you, as long as you look at me and treat me as if I’m the only one and the most beautiful for you in this world, that’s my place to be, my home.

Next to you I feel like myself, just like you next to me, you don’t try to change me according to your needs, but you accept me just as I am. You see my essence and you embrace it so much that it becomes a part of you.. You see yourself in me. We feel as if our souls are intertwined and complement each other.

And that, my love, is the only ‘place’ I want to be. That is my home. Because home is a feeling, not a place, home is where your heart is, where you feel freedom, love, safety, cosiness.. and that’s how I know it’s my home.

With you I feel like I finally have my home, and it doesn’t matter where we are, as long as we are together.

This life is a journey and the destination is not important, nor where you are going, but who is next to you.

As long as we are together and have love for each other, as long as we respect and are there for each other, nothing else matters and cannot destroy what we build.

Nothing is promised to us, not even tomorrow. Life is unpredictable, and knowing that you are here by my side, that is enough, because I understand that no matter how difficult or uncertain life is, it all seems easier next to you. It is priceless to have someone who loves you and is there for you, on whom you can rely.

And I understand that it is not necessary to rush somewhere, to chase something, as we are told, in this modern fast world today, that we should. But to become who we are and enjoy what life gives us, and if possible in the company of the one who loves us. Who you have beside you matters a lot, the quality of your life will change accordingly.

You are my best friend.

We are a team together.

As long as we are together and have love for each other..

We hold each other’s hand, and then when life hits hard, you squeeze my hand a little harder, letting me know that you are here, next to me. You are here, you love me and you say: ‘You are not alone, I am by your side no matter what happens.’. You show and prove it to me every day.

And that, my love, is what I always wanted, and you give it to me. As if my dream had come true. That sensation has no price. It’s pure magic. Thank you.

Your hug is the safest place in this world, where all my worries and fears disappear. I’m vulnerable and you protect me. I know that you see my naked soul and that you know all my pains, what I went through, and then when some fear appears, you are there to show me that I am safe. One hug from you says more than a million words.

And it will always be like that, as long as love exists between us, and nothing and no one can change that. Just you and me. Everything depends on us.


Be that person you want to have in your life! Be someone’s safe place. Give the love you wish to receive.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏💙
Love and namaste,
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.