It’s really rare to find someone with a mind and soul just as beautiful just as their face. Physical beauty fades away.. but the one from within NEVER. – Daily Stories 05.07.2022.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 It’s really rare to find someone with a mind and soul just as beautiful just as their face. Physical beauty fades away.. but the one from within NEVER. We have so many beautiful people from the outside, walking around, yet so empty from within. Let’s Read more…

Do you realise that very often parents are first bullies to their kids? Do you realise that some bullied kids become bullies later in life? Break this circle. – Daily Stories 21.06.2022.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 Do you realise that very often parents are first bullies to their kids? Do you realise that some bullied kids become bullies later in life? Break this circle. Unpopular opinion: ‘I hate it when people say ‘He’s still your Dad, or she’s still your Aunt’ Read more…

‘Me whenever someone compliments me on my energy.. You must promise not to fall in love with me.’ Funny and somehow true. Let me tell you more.. – Daily Stories 14.06.2022.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 ‘Me whenever someone compliments me on my energy.. You must promise not to fall in love with me.’ Funny and somehow true. Let me tell you more about love.. from my experiences. As always. People think they love you when they feel comfortable around you.. Read more…

I’m kind of person who love to ask questions. If that makes me a fool in your eyes, I accept it. I know who I’m, so, your opinion is irrelevant. And I feel very comfortable being a fool, in this case. – Daily Stories 31.05.2022.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 I’m kind of person who love to ask questions. If that makes me a fool in your eyes, I accept it. I know who I’m, so, your opinion is irrelevant. And I feel very comfortable being a fool, in this case. ‘The man who asks Read more…

People don’t lie to you because they want to protect you because the truth will hurt your feelings. Usually they lie to you because they are afraid that the truth might provoke you to make the choices that won’t serve their interests. – Daily Stories 03.05.2022.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 People don’t lie to you because they want to protect you because the truth will hurt your feelings. Usually they lie to you because they are afraid that the truth might provoke you to make the choices that won’t serve their interests. I really dislike Read more…