My Top 10 Movies

I’m a huuuuuge fan of movies. A huge fan. There is nothing better for me than having: sofa+blanket+hug+movie & of course some nice food. The perfect night in. Often, even better than a night out. In today’s post I will write about those movies that have had a big impact Read more…

Motivational Quotes and Speakers

Oh motivational quotes and speakers here, oh life coaches there, oh I see them everywhere.. I am envisioning. Or hallucinating.. I was wondering, as usual.. do they know what they are talking about? Do they know, understand and live their life according to those motivational quotes/articles they post? When someone Read more…

The power of.. words!

The power of words. Words don’t come easy to me.. yes, they do! :))) And.. they can come easy to you too. Words. They’re so powerful. They can give you wings. They can cut your wings. Choose them wisely. They are like a tool in your hands.. by knowing how Read more…

Physical beauty and harassment.

Physical Beauty There are couple of things I have wondered since forever. It can be applied to all spheres of life, but I will stick and concentrate on a physical beauty, expectations vs offer. We can see all over the network, including LinkedIn, that men (mostly) are posting photos of Read more…