Help Others

Help others, because no one has ever become poor by giving!  5 days ago I was so excited about my recovery progress so I needed to share it with my friends. Even if it’s sooo slow, where there are results, it means there is progress. And as long as you Read more…

My Superheroes I Love You!

My Superheroes I Love You! I can feel it in my bones.. One year ago (22.05.2015.) I had 11th surgery that lasted for more than 5 hours. Actually these were  two surgeries carried out at the same time. Surgeries with lots of risks. The surgical team was formed by team Read more…


Quality over quantity Lately I’ve done some research on the internet and I was looking for great marketing advice for my business. One thing for sure, nowadays we are surrounded by different kinds of tips how to succeed and how to be a great leader. We can read so many Read more…

Don’t repeat yourself – DRY

“Despite how open, peaceful, and loving you attempt to be, people can only meet you, as deeply as they’ve met themselves.” – Matt Kahn. Once you have said something, it is enough. For those capable of understanding (you). Unfortunately, sometimes or often you are “caught” in situations where you have to repeat yourself. Simply because Read more…

The World We Live In

We live in a world.. Do you like the World we live in? We live in a world where people feel under the pressure (especially women) to look perfect. Physically perfect. From the outside. For example, women who starve themselves to be perfect – in model industry it means to Read more…


My REAL Superheroes!

My Superheroes Yesterday (22.03.2016) was 10 months since my last surgery (11th surgery for the last 11 years). For those who do not know, I had a severe motorcycle accident 11 years ago. For this post it is less important. A thought just came across my mind and I asked Read more…

Intention, Please, Intention.

Intention, tell me what is your intention when.. If you want to know who you are, ask yourself what is your intention when you are doing something in your life. Your intention creates your reality. It gives a shape to your life and your personality. I’ve always said that everything Read more…