How Honest Are You?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? How honest are you? Whether we talk about friendships, partnerships or colleagues, the most important question to ask yourself is: Am I honest with myself? I know, I know most of you will say: but, of course I am. But are you? I Read more…

Misconceptions about love!

Misconceptions about love – What does love mean to you? People call love very different things and they express love in very different, sometimes strange, even extreme ways. I see a lot of different comments everywhere and permit me to say, I am shocked at how people see/live/feel love. Oh, Read more…

My Superheroes I Love You!

My Superheroes I Love You! I can feel it in my bones.. One year ago (22.05.2015.) I had 11th surgery that lasted for more than 5 hours. Actually these were  two surgeries carried out at the same time. Surgeries with lots of risks. The surgical team was formed by team Read more…


My REAL Superheroes!

My Superheroes Yesterday (22.03.2016) was 10 months since my last surgery (11th surgery for the last 11 years). For those who do not know, I had a severe motorcycle accident 11 years ago. For this post it is less important. A thought just came across my mind and I asked Read more…