
Please Forgive Me..

Please Forgive Me.. Almost everyday I come across my photos, especially thanks to Facebook for these reminders – on this day..! I love it. When I look at those photos, those moments, they remind me of who I was, who I am now, where I was and where I am Read more…


Resolutions. Resolutions, New year’s resolutions. We all have them. Personally I don’t wait for New Year, nor Mondays to do things. Recently I wrote about it. But, when New Year comes, we all have that wish.. We all make promises to ourselves and set goals for New year. How exciting, Read more…

How Honest Are You?

Have you ever asked yourself this question? How honest are you? Whether we talk about friendships, partnerships or colleagues, the most important question to ask yourself is: Am I honest with myself? I know, I know most of you will say: but, of course I am. But are you? I Read more…

Motivational Quotes and Speakers

Oh motivational quotes and speakers here, oh life coaches there, oh I see them everywhere.. I am envisioning. Or hallucinating.. I was wondering, as usual.. do they know what they are talking about? Do they know, understand and live their life according to those motivational quotes/articles they post? When someone Read more…

Misconceptions about love!

Misconceptions about love – What does love mean to you? People call love very different things and they express love in very different, sometimes strange, even extreme ways. I see a lot of different comments everywhere and permit me to say, I am shocked at how people see/live/feel love. Oh, Read more…