WAIT FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’VE BEEN STRUCK BY FU.KING LIGHTNING! And never.. NEVER settle for ‘fine’ and superficial. – Daily Stories 23.11.2021.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 Please.. WAIT FOR SOMEONE WHO WILL MAKE YOU FEEL LIKE YOU’VE BEEN STRUCK BY FU.KING LIGHTNING! And never.. NEVER settle for ‘fine’ and superficial. Isn’t it so easy to fall in love or to have sex nowadays..?  Falling in love is easy. Having sex is easier. Read more…

A healthy communication is the foundation of any kind of relationship. A HEALTHY communication.. I would especially emphasize that. – Daily Stories 02.11.2021.

Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏 I cannot stress enough that healthy communication is the foundation of any kind of relationship. A HEALTHY communication.. I would especially emphasize that. And that good, healthy communication doesn’t just happen, you have to work on that. You have to learn what communication is. Because Read more…