Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

Choose your partner wisely. When choosing a partner, choose an equal to you.

Be careful who you start dating. Some people are looking for help, not love.

You shouldn’t have a role of a therapist in a relationship. That is why the therapist exists.

‘Just kiss me in the rain, so i’ll know you are not one of them. those who run for shelter.’

Relationship should be based on love. Not on needs.

All great relationships are built. Not because everything was easy and perfect.. but because the foundation of the relationship is mutual LOVE, respect, understanding and many little things that matter very much. It’s built thanks to two people who had the same will to face any obstacle together.

They know that love should be nurtured and that everything must be mutual. Some days one will need more love, and then will come the day when the other person will need the same.

That’s what it’s about – taking care of each other.

Whereas those who look for help.. oh, they NEED you. Very often you will feel drained.. it’s like having a leech.

They will “love” only those parts of you that make them feel good. Often you will not get reciprocity.. you will be the one who will push, pull, nurture, lead the relationship forward.. looking for directions on your own. It will be a one-sided relationship.. with the feeling that you have to raise someone.

So.. choose your partner wisely.

‘Remember this when seeking relationships: You’re looking for an equal, not a project. You’re looking for someone who takes care of themselves AND has the capacity to take care of you too. Someone on your level that you can respect & vice versa. Don’t fall in love with potential.’

First and foremost: BE the person you wish to have in your life.
Before you start demanding, wishing, make sure to give the same. It’s completely fine to wish all the best for you AS LONG AS YOU GIVE THE SAME.

Only after you learn how to be happy and independent alone(I’m not talking about money at all), you will be ready to be in a relationship, sharing that happiness with someone.

Your life & happiness are your responsibility.

Many people are looking for help, not for a partner. Remember your partner is not there to entertain you. Go to the amusement park instead.

Your partner is not your therapist nor your parent.

Your partner should be YOUR PARTNER, that’s why the relationship is called PARTNERSHIP. Look at your partner as your equal.

Choosing your partner is one of the biggest decisions you have to make.
Choose the one who have the same vision and values as you have.. and communicate.

Speak openly about things. Good or bad. There will be fights, but respect must not be lacking. Be honest. And.. Be there for each other. Be faithful. Build love and trust. Make rules for your relationship because love is unconditional but relationship should have limits. You both should respect those rules.

Remember you deserve the love you give! So.. Choose your partner wisely.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.