Hello you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Do you support your friend’s business?

Ha-ha, love this quote.

Seeing people (friends) supporting each other is so rare nowadays.

How come it is easier to support celebrities than your friend?

Simply because you think that somehow you will be ‘jeopardized’ if your friend succeeds and you don’t (whatever success means to you). They will remind you that you could do something, but you didn’t.

The thing is that you are just too lazy or full of fears and insecurities to move your a.s and change your life. And if your friend fails you will use it as an excuse to justify yourself to yourself and why you didn’t try anything. But, you will know the truth deep inside. And it will hurt. Because it is always better to try and fail, than not trying. Road to success consists from failures.

And.. It’s just your ego talking.

On the other hand, a celebrity is already famous and not a part of your life. You don’t feel threatened. And you will often say, it’s easy for them.. and the other excuses you always have ready for other people’s successes.

Generally, people will SAY they support you, but is that really what they think? Many will say that, because who openly says that they will not support you? How will it look in the eyes of others? They say that because of themselves and their image, not because of you.

So.. Don’t trust their words, but their energy and ACTIONS.

We live in a competitive world where people compare their lives with other people’s lives. God forbid that you’re doing better than them..

If you fail, as I said, they will feel better about themselves and they will feel relief, giving you words of support at the same time. People can really be cruel and pretend very well. Behind all that lie different types of fear and insecurities! Insecurities converted into jealousy, envy, gossip.

So.. pay attention on how others speak about someone’s success.

You will feel it if you pay attention.

Pay attention.. who looks forward to your success. Your happiness. Who supports you from the very beginning and who believes in you.

The most important thing: I hope that you are not one of those people who feel ‘happy’ when other people fail.

Failure is a part of life and if you don’t give up it can lead to success, or somewhere new. But feeling happy when others fail will only lead you to.. nowhere or misery.


To all my self employed small business owner friends.. can you relate?

Why do people buy things made by famous people and not support local shops and small businesses? Why don’t they support friend or family business and support the trend? Why do people say they don’t have money and then they buy things they don’t even need? Why do people not look at the value of something, but what is in fashion?

Do you even think about where and what you spend money on?

Do you really think that you value true values? Do you think that something has a greater value (not material) just because it is promoted or made by a famous person?

We all like beautiful things, but do we all have the same attitude and reason when we buy the same thing? DEFINITELY NOT.

For an instance.. I used to be a Puma‘fan’.. until it was not very commercial. In the period when Rihanna released her first puma collection, my love for puma was lost. And it has nothing to do with her. Nor about the merchandise, so let’s put aside the fact that I didn’t like the launched products, that’s a matter of taste. It’s about the fact that the prices were astronomical, just because of the collaboration with Rihanna.

And I don’t know why I thought things wouldn’t sell.. surprises never end. Things sold very quickly, some soon after the release of her collection. That made me think a lot..

Some of the questions that pass through my head..

  • Do famous people try to bring real values and promote them, or are they just using their fame to earn even more?
  • Do you buy the same things from famous people, because they are famous, so you simply follow the trend and marketing, or do you buy something because of the quality?
  • Do you follow trends?
  • Do you think for yourself?
  • Do you support your friend who is an entrepreneur?
  • Do you believe in your friend’s work?
  • Do you support those who bring true values to the world & quality or those who are famous and bring nothing but.. mediocracy?
  • What and who are you following on Instagram?

Think about what you support, your beliefs, what you share, buy.. even where you put your LIKE on.

Christmas is coming soon, and even if it’s not.. just think about where you’re going to spend your money and what you’re supporting.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.