Hello you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Be careful who you start dating.. Some people are ready for a wedding, not a marriage. Some people are ready for a baby, not being a parent.

Truer words were never spoken!

So many people mistake love for lust, commitment for attachment, being responsible for having an obligation, kindness for flirting.

We live in a very messy world. No wonder there are so many unhappy relationships, people.. people are lost between their hearts and what others tell them what they should be doing.

Hence why before you date someone seriously..

A first date question: “How aware are you of your traumas and suppressed emotions and tell me about how you are actively working to heal them before you try to project that shit on me?”

We still live in a world where most people are unaware of themselves and their lives, the beliefs they live by. We also live in a world where there is still a big stigma and taboo to talk about mental health.

It’s easier for people to insult someone than to be honest and talk about their feelings.

It’s easier to pretend to be someone they’re not, than to be who they really are.

Is it actually easier? I wouldn’t say, because situations like this that people create only further complicate their lives and it only feels like a burden.

How much easier would it be if people communicated honestly from the very beginning, before entering into a relationship? How many divorces/breakups would be reduced in that way..

However, people like to wear masks in order to be accepted. But those masks cannot be worn for long and then when they fall off.. sometimes you feel as if you are in in the twilight zone, wondering who daf is that person next to you anyway?

Steeep back.. Don’t touch my aura with your dirty hands! 🙏

No.. really.. we all have our past traumas.. and that’s fine! The thing is what are we doing about them? Are we aware of them?

So please before you start to bleed on someone who didn’t cut you, heal your traumas. Or be aware of them and talk to your partner openly..

Be careful who you start dating with.. a lot of people ain’t looking for love, but help.

Because your partner is not there to be your therapist, nor to entertain you, nor your trash. If you want an entertainment go to playground.

And stop blaming your ex-partners for everything. Don’t go around talking bad about them. Let me remind you, they were your ‘choices’. Once they were good for you and probably great love. Oh, I know, some of you will say, yeah, that was a huge mistake. But was it? Maybe they were there to teach you something?

First of all, you answer is your private thing. Secondly, you can talk only from your perspective..

And speaking bad about your ex won’t make you a better person. Nor will you heal or feel better.

So, find the reason why you are no longer together, learn your lesson and take responsibility for your actions.

Be mature and responsible, take your time to heal, to learn what did you like and what you didn’t about them, what made you feel good, and what didn’t.

Otherwise, you will attract the same kind of partners and you will share your traumas with them. And trust me, no one deserves your garbage. Just like you don’t deserve crap from others.

Connect with yourself, be who you are. Be honest from the start.. the one who accepts you as you are is the person for you. Be who you are, instead of changing to be accepted, hiding the things you carry inside you that can significantly affect the course of a relationship.

And.. Please, be aware of your triggers and stop projecting your fears and traumas onto others.

And accept no shit from others. Be responsible for yourself, your decisions, your life.

Before you start dating and before you commit seriously to something bigger, like marriage or having kids.. make sure that you have healed your past traumas, or that you are aware of them and that you actively do something about them.

And be careful who you start dating.. because lot of people ain’t looking for love, they are looking for help. Send them a bill or send them to a therapist. Otherwise, you may end up drained.. If you don’t know where you are heading to.. step back and ask yourself how do you feel? Do you feel loved or do you feel drained?

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul!
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.