Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

Do you realise that very often parents are first bullies to their kids? Do you realise that some bullied kids become bullies later in life? Break this circle.

Unpopular opinion: ‘I hate it when people say ‘He’s still your Dad, or she’s still your Aunt’ just because someone is your family doesn’t mean you have to keep them in your life if they’re toxic a lot, abusive. Blood means nothing sometimes. Don’t let people guilt you into being in contact with someone who isn’t good for you physical or mental health. Don’t make yourself go through that much pain please.’

Hmm.. people don’t like unpopular opinions and hard truths.. because it’s different than their opinion.. and sometimes hard to deal with!

And an opinion isn’t just an opinion.. mostly we adopt those opinions.. usually it is an opinion that has grown into a belief, that has been accepted by our ancestors and passed on to us to this day.

It is so important to understand that our beliefs create our lives.

However.. you can create new beliefs, the ones that resonate with you!

I can’t stress enough the importance of this. You’re not under any obligation to keep in your life anything that is toxic for you. This INCLUDES FAMILY too. You can still love them and wish them the best.. from a distance.


Do you realise that very often parents are first bullies to their kids?

Do you realise that some bullied kids become bullies later in life?


Sometimes you dont realise how emotionally draining and toxic people are until they’re out of your life!

Be responsible for your life. Your sh.tty childhood shouldn’t be an excuse to be a sh.tty person. We all have our sh.t. What makes a difference is how we deal with it.

Speak up. Say how you feel. If someone mistreat you or abuse you.. be vocal about it. If they don’t understand that they abuse YOUR BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS.. they need to go out from your life. Blood means nothing, respect means everything.

Mental health is crucial thing for overall well being. It’s not just the food you eat that makes you healthy. Take care of yourself.

Create your family with people who are mentally supportive!

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.