Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

Do you respect yourself and your boundaries? Are your boundaries built from love or fear?

Every relationship is built. But it all starts with ourselves and self-love. If you don’t know how to love yourself then.. how will others know that?

Let me put simply and briefly what self-love means. Being real you. You, a perfectly imperfect individual, who is aware, awake and who knows and lives with true values. And once you become aware.. self-love disappears, simply because it becomes the state of your being. Love.

And speaking about relationships.. you should know what kind of relationship you want. What you give in the first place. You should also know your boundaries.

You teach others how to treat you.

With that said I don’t mean that you should come with a spoiler.. although it would make life easier and simplify the whole process.

That’s why you must COMMUNICATE your feelings, emotions, thoughts. EVERYTHING. You teach others how to treat you by what you allow and what you stop in your life.

Therefore, you should know your limits, what you like or don’t. You should know how to express yourself vocally when something doesn’t feel right, when someone hurts you. It takes practice for all of this. And it is essential for any kind of relationship.

If you don’t know how to love and respect yourself, you can’t expect from others to know that.

You can’t expect from others to read your mind either. And especially don’t expect them to change by saying nothing.

Yours is to say how you feel. Remember people change their behaviour only if they want to change it. You can’t change them but you can choose whether you want someone in your life or not.

So please don’t let someone get comfortable with disrespecting you. If you constantly have to tell someone the same exact thing and they don’t change it, you have clear picture here.. understand that they don’t respect you. But I’m sure that they don’t even respect themselves.

If you return back to them.. darling, you don’t respect yourself. Returning to someone after they’ve shown you they can’t respect your boundaries is showing them that you don’t respect them either. You should do quite opposite and walk away.

Set your boundaries. Know your values and standards and speak about everything.

Respect and trust are part of love. But it seems that people don’t understand it, so I will separate them to see what I mean. Because there are people who think they love you and yet they don’t respect you. They may not respect you, but you must not forget to respect yourself. Love sometimes is not enough. And.. it should be questioned whether it is love at all.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.