Don’t give another man an opportunity to make ‘your’ woman smile – based on a true story!!! 😁

Today friend of mine posted on Facebook, that there is a girl he likes, and by the way she looks at him, hugs him, he thinks she likes him. Obviously he likes her as well. So, he wrote that he has prepared a surprise for her, if they go out on a date. IF they go out on a date! He has organized everything, romantic night out, dinner etc.. BUT that “surprise” never happened, because “She never called him out” like he said. My mind was screaming: “Whaaa’?!” Well, he definitely surprised me.

I was like.. nooooo waaaaay.. you must be joking! 😁

So.. I asked him: “Did you actually call her out on a date? At least you are not going to live in expectation.”

He replied: “No. I will not ask her out. She needs to do something about that as well.”

Me (exciting): “No no. You are so wrong. We like when a man initiates contact and asks us out!”

He: “Well, I already have mentioned that we should go out to take some coffee. What am I supposed to do more? To print an invitation especially for her and to send it on her home address?” (irony)

Me: “No! But to go there and ask her (decisively, but be creative): Hey, what are you doing tonight..? Therefore you’ll get an answer if she really likes you or not. So, either you are going to have a date or you will not going to waste your time living in expectation.”

He: “No. She needs to do something about that as well, so we can have clear things.”

Me (already desperate): “As I said you are soooo wrong. But that’s just my opinion. At the end, we are not all the same. And you just keep on waiting.. and good luck!” 🙂

I suppose, you’ve already guessed that nothing happened.So.. My question (again) would be: For cookies sake, where is this world going to? In history, we have wars that man has initiated because of woman’s love, and nowadays it is difficult for a man to ask a girl out? I mean, really?

Yeah, I know, men will say all that emancipation and stuff.. Also, modern technology – application, social media.. messages.. phones.. options are everywhere. Yes, options. But your woman shouldn’t be “an option”. And.. First of all, obviously, you have understood meaning of emancipation completely wrong. It has nothing to do with asking her out. It’s all about biology here. 😁

So. Stop. Making. Excuses. Now. Please.

Excuses will always be there for you, opportunity won’t. You’re in charge. Sooo.. don’t give another man an opportunity to make your woman smile!

To all men out there:

Why(TF) is it so hard to ask a girl out?

There is nothing more attractive for a woman, than a man who knows what he wants and who isn’t afraid of showing it. There is nothing more sexier for a woman than a man who knows how to seduce her and conquer her heart properly. We will SWOON.

Don’t be afraid to ask her out. At the end you can’t lose anything. If she says no, you didn’t even date her in the first place. 😁 Yeah.. your ego will suffer a bit, but you will get over it! AND you will know where you’re standing at! That’s the most important thing.. rather than living in illusions. 

Also, it means that she is not for you and there is someone better waiting for you out there! And how many women are there in the world? Forget about ego, games and all that s..tuff and have some guts!!! No guts, no glory. 😊
We love man with guts! Promise. 🙂

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul!

Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄

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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.