Hello you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Please.. Please.. don’t settle for anything less than what you think you deserve!

The question is what do you think you deserve? It should be equal to what you give, not equal to your expectations.

So.. do you give as much as you expect?

If yes.. then..

Don’t wait for those who may never come.
Don’t wait for someone’s message that may never arrive.
We live in a world of modern technology where messaging someone is the easiest thing to do. You don’t need excuses.
So if they want.. they would send you a message.
It’s all about priorities. It’s all about wanting, doing, showing the love. Communication. Commitment.

You’re worth more than being maybe to someone.
You’re worth more than second thoughts.

Remember: You’re not an option! Or do you think you are?
You shouldn’t be.

Don’t you think you deserve love? You deserve constant engagement and commitment, not only when they feel lonely or when they need you.

The same goes for you.

I love to say: you deserve love you give!

So if you treat others like an option.. then.. don’t complain about them treating you the same way! Be that person you want to have in your life. 

Do you love another with all your heart? Do you love YOURSELF the same way?

Because everything starts from there. That’s why you should love yourself first, so that you can be YOU.. and to know when someone loves you just because of who you are. To know how it feels when someone loves you with all their heart as well.

So how will you know that.. are you wondering? It’s simple.. by the way you feel next to someone.

Therefore, whether you are in a relationship or not, ask yourself and feel what your heart, soul and body are saying.

Do you feel loved? Do you feel appreciated? Respected? Worshiped?

Are you loved for who you are? Are you living the love you always wanted?Do you get the love you give? Because you also deserve and need love. Yes, love is always given, if you want to get it.. but the other person should also give it to you instead of just taking it.

Therefore, and all this applies to you as well. Do you love your partner in the same way they love you? How do they feel next to you?

Do you communicate honestly and openly about how you feel around each other? How do you feel in your relationship? Do you talk about your relationship needs and lack thereof?

If you feel exhausted, and you give all of you.. and you don’t feel the same from your partner.. and nothing changes after communicating with them.. don’t expect them to change, but change yourself.

That’s the moment when your boundaries say: I want love too, and I feel that only I give it. It’s exhausting, it’s not love, enough is enough. This is not what I want and deserve.

Darling.. if not, you gotta learn to get up from the table when love is no longer served. No matter how painful it seems to be.
You both deserve love.

Love.. oh, the most misused word in the world.. people don’t even know what love is.. yet they easily say ‘I love you’.

And everything starts with ourselves. If you don’t know how to love yourself, you will never be able to be truly loved.. and to love another.

Don’t settle for anything less than you give! Be with the one who will worship the ground you walk on. The one who will adore every inch of your body, every centimetre of the skin you live in.. which includes all of you within and outside.. the one who will accept for who you are and not for some need or image they have of you.

That’s why you have to be you.. and before that you have to love yourself completely.. to know what you give and not to settle for crumbs.

Love and namaste,
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.