Hello you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Find your inner peace and joy within. Not because everything is calm and joyful on the outside, but in spite of it. You deserve both peace and joy, and peace on the outside is achieved with peace on the inside from each of us.
Everything you are looking for on the outside, you already have on the inside. You cannot change others, nor can you change life outside, but you can change yourself. When you change yourself, you go in the direction of connecting with yourself and making your life easier.
And everything starts from ourselves.
Let me share one more secret with you.. and I hope it will serve and help you. It’s how the process of change looks like and in which direction you need to go in order to change.
Our thoughts and habits create our lives. We all have thoughts and habits. And habits are closely related to beliefs and therefore thoughts. We are often not aware of them. So pay attention to emotions and how you feel, because emotions are indicators of your thoughts.
We are creatures of habit. Habits can be both good and bad. We are used to the fact that when we hear someone say: it’s just a habit, it automatically has a negative context.
But habits can help you when motivation cannot. Habits discipline you and change your life.
The same applies to thoughts. What way are you used to thinking. Because just like when you think in a negative and unproductive way, you can change the habit to think in a way that serves you and brings peace.
All this requires awareness, change and of course you.
Because you need to be aware and then make decisions, what you need to change and why. And then to act in accordance with those decisions. A decision in itself is not enough. And nothing happens overnight. Habits are created after a certain time by repeating the same things until they become natural to do and simply become a habit.
And let your emotions and how you feel be the guides. Emotions are a product of thoughts. So pay attention to them, and then to thoughts, habits.
When we change the way we think, we change the way we feel.
When we change the way we feel, our perspective also changes.
When our perspective changes, the way we see the world changes, as well as the way we act.
When we change the way we act, we begin to change our habits.
When we start to change our habits, our life also starts to change.
When we change our life, everything around us will start to change.
I hope you now understand why everything starts with us. Nothing from the outside will change until we change.
And everything starts with awareness and decision. With the decision to change, which you put into action. Stick to it.
Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏💙
Love and namaste,
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