Hello you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏

Just because you lost me as a friend.. it doesn’t mean that I have become your enemy.

‘You can forgive someone and yet not want anything to do with them. People need to understand that forgiveness is for past reconciliation and not for future consideration.’

People who know how to walk away without dramas, when they are not appreciated and respected.. exist. We do exist. I promise.

Of course I’ll wish you the best, I just don’t want you anymore as part of my life..

People need to understand that forgiveness doesn’t mean approval of someone’s behaviour. It means you understood the situation and you accept it.. so you can let it go.

People need to understand that even if they react it won’t change anything.. it won’t make others suddenly respect them.. their reaction won’t magically change other people’s behaviours or opinions.

Let things be, let things flow without pushing anyone or anything into something they’re not ready for.

Don’t chase, beg people to stay. Ask but never chase answers, sometimes not getting an answer is an answer in itself.

Don’t expect people to understand you, your way of being, where you’re going to or where you’re coming from. Be clear, honest but don’t expect people to understand you.. especially if they start to read your book from page 654. People understand you as deep as they understand themselves.

Life is properly lived when you focus on what is happening inside you instead of having focus on what’s happening around you.

So focus on your life. Let go of any toxic relationship. Yesterday is heavy. Put it down.

Yesterday is gone and no longer exists. Face things from your past if you want to create a different future.

Today is a new day.

New life. New start. So.. let go of anything that steals your joy.. and the only way to do it.. is to face it and to go through whatever you need to go through. There are no shortcuts. That’s the only shortcut.

Avoiding things from your past, ignoring them.. you’re going to live the same present over and over again, that is full of your past. And that’s heavy.

You want to travel light. You deserve peace. Your inner peace should be your priority. You want to live a life filled with joy.. not with worries, heavy breaths, fears.If you want a different future, make sure to change your present moment. Because your present moment is a reflection of your past. You can’t change your past, but you can change your present.

Grow through what you go through!

Let go of your past and leave it there where it belongs: to your past.

Remember your past is not holding you back. You’re holding you back by holding onto your past.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 
Love and namaste,
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.