Good morning you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Unhealed trauma blocks intuition.

Tune in with yourself. Heal so you can learn to differentiate between the sound of your intuition guiding you and your traumas misleading you.

I will try to simplify and help, because it is a very important matter.

Let’s face facts: we all have ‘traumas’.

I don’t like the word ‘trauma’ or making them all so general because bad experiences can be very different. Our bodies react differently to trauma, too.

Then what makes a huge difference is the impact of traumas on our lives which will depend on how we deal with them and understand them.

But first of all we must be aware of them!

For instance, someone hurt you by lying to you. That’s a kind of ‘trauma’ for some, which will have an impact on the further course of your life and relationships with others. This is where the difference between each of us is created, because we will not all act the same, so the further course of life will be different for everyone.

One of the outcomes that can happen, which prevents the healthy flow of energy and blocks intuition, is that some people will stop trusting others thinking they will protect themselves that way.

Therefore, you did not work on recognizing the cause of the trauma and healing (understanding), but you automatically listened to your mind with the intention of protecting yourself. What you don’t understand is that you are not actually protecting yourself, you are harming yourself. That’s just your mind telling you to close your heart.

When you close your heart, you will start to lose connection with your intuition, or simply you will ignore it. You will think you’re becoming a robot.

On the other hand some people will keep trusting others, but they will be more careful about it.

This is the only real, healthy way of coping, healing, because you become more aware of yourself and others. Also, you are aware that you will not avoid similar situations in the future, but you are changing.. therefore, closing in on yourself does not help you avoid them.

Then.. Some people will keep trusting others equally, no matter the past experiences, and they will be hurt over and over again. They will usually blame others as a consequence, equating being good with being stupid. And there should not be an equal sign.

Don’t close your heart, but learn from your ‘traumas’. Some situations or people we meet will keep repeating and you will think we are all the same, and that’s why it is so important to be aware and to face your ‘traumas’.

Some more differences between trauma and intuition is that.. trauma completely shuts you down, intuition remains curious. Trauma knows no boundaries, intuition tells you where you feel safe. Trauma is based on fear, intuition on understanding. Unhealed trauma hurts you, intuition helps healing.

When you learn needed lessons you will learn how to set your boundaries.

‘Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.’

It is vital to set healthy boundaries & standards for your life. It’s not selfish but self love.

You must learn to say no without feeling guilty. Learn to listen to your energy (intuition).

You will meet different kind of people.

Some of them will take you to an emotional rollercoaster, giving you feeling of restlessness, instability, insecurity, living you drained. These people are exactly the ones you should learn from = what you don’t want in your life!

You can’t control others.. that’s why you must adhere to your boundaries. How others respond to them, is not your fu.king problem. Your boundaries don’t serve to offend others but to protect yourself.

We teach others how to love us, how to treat us, by what we allow and stop. If you don’t know your limits, don’t expect from others to know them.

You can’t control other people’s behaviour, it’s a burden! But you can control what kind of energy you let in.. Refuse to be mistreated, disrespected, lied to. Listen to your energy.

You’re allowed to decide you want nothing with those who feel like a poison to you. That’s your right! But don’t forget that others have the same right to decide to have nothing to do with you! Literally, no one owes you a thing, not even an explanation, if not necessary.

I hope it was helpful.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🏻🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.