Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

Minding your own business has no price. Whereas minding other people’s businesses.. it’s exhausting.

So.. how to be at peace and live one fulfilled life: connect with your inner self, focus on yourself and be in alignment with yourself.

It doesn’t seem easy? Comparing to what? To being focused on others? To live others people’s lives or up to their expectations, values, standards?

Think again.

Well once you shift your focus on yourself.. and once you start with that journey.. things will be unfamiliar that’s why it seems uneasy. it’s a process.. but.. as you start to peel all the layers that don’t belong to you that you put on yourself.. it will get easier.

It will also be painful.. but it’s part of the peeling process and the only way to get to know your true self. That pain is a healthy pain. The pain you learn from. And get stronger.

And in no time you will realise there’s no going back from that journey, it will become your way of living and being.

Minding your own business has no price.
Whereas minding other people’s businesses.. it’s exhausting. It’s an escape from yourself, your sh.t that have to be addressed.

Sadly many people live like this. And they compete and compare to others.

Dear the grass is not greener in your neighbor’s garden for no reason. You forgot to nurture your grass.

Hence: Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates: Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?

I wish people understand the importance of thinking before talking.

I’m sure that many understand it.. but understanding is not enough if we don’t apply it.

And it seems to me that not many apply it.

You know.. gossips are dangerous. Both for those who gossip and those you gossip about.

Minding your own business has no price.

Are you aware that you can complicate someone’s life? I think that people are aware of it.. because I’m sure we’ve all felt the effects and consequences of lies on our skin.

There are those who know how it feels, but they know that how they treat others speaks about them so they decide not to make others go through pain.. and then they are those who know how it feels, and they decide to make others miserable. just the way they feel.

The question is: why would you harm anyone?

Are you aware that you also hurt yourself? The energy of lying, gossiping, rudeness is very low and negative. And dear, you nurture that energy within. Your energy affects your health and life.

Wanting others to feel pain, means that you are full of pain.

Because there are no people who are satisfied with themselves walking around hurting others.

Remember: rumours are invented by haters, spread and accepted by those to whom it’s soul food. poor souls.

Minding your own business has no price.

Love you,

Irina 🦄💙

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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.