My Superheroes

Yesterday (22.03.2016) was 10 months since my last surgery (11th surgery for the last 11 years).

For those who do not know, I had a severe motorcycle accident 11 years ago. For this post it is less important.

A thought just came across my mind and I asked myself how I met my Superheroes?

When we look back at the past, we can easily see why we are, where we are today.. Our every decision has led us to this exact point where we are at this moment. Somehow, when we look back, everything seems so logical, every single step we made. However, I know, when we are afflicted with any situation in life, nothing seems logical. We have a thousand questions in our heads.. and no answer.. Why? How? Why me? etc. etc..

What creates, shapes us and defines us (later), who we are as persons, is that exact moment and decision we make, when something happens. If a problem “happens by accident”.. our attitude towards that problem – “it didn’t happen by accident”. We have made a decision how to react consciously. That exact moment defines us as persons. Our character. Our future. Not when everything goes smoothly in the life. No – no. On the contrary, when something hits you, when something hurts you.. your attitude defines you. Because the problem is not the problem, but your attitude towards it.

Personally, I do not like to talk about problems, for sake of talking, complaining, but I’m looking for solutions.

My situation (one of them..) was, when my doctors in Belgrade gave up on me. They told me that there is no solution for me, my leg, so I must accept things as they are. They also said I should be glad I am alive! Really?!

And, for me, none of these (consequences of the accident) was easy to accept. Yes I am glad I am alive, but if I am sure that something is possible, I don’t accept No for an answer. Again, I don’t want to go into details, because it will take a while, it is a long story and that’s not the point of this article..

The point is that I have not surrendered, deep down I knew there was a solution! I believed!

And I could just accept what they told me, right? Instead of that, guided by my inner voice I have done some research and finally got in touch with my Superheroes. They don’t live in my country, they don’t speak my language.. but we had the same values, vision of life, we use common sense and our approach to life is to always look for solutions.. always! And at the moment, the goal was to help me and giving me the opportunity to live a normal life again.

It is essential. It is the most important. Solution. Focus. 

So my focus has become my reality. That decision I made of no surrendering has defined my future. And my Superheroes gave me back my faith in the good, in humanity, that there is a solution for every problem if we want to solve it.. As well, that people with the right values still exist!

We live in the world with wrong, superficial values, where people judge you based on material things, and in the fact the only thing that has no price, and what matters the most is your health..

When you meet people like my Superheroes are, you realize that those people with real values still exist. Although in the minority, these people exist! I feel thankful for all, for everything they did for me, and for what they still do (the recovery will take a while, my whole life, I have to say..). My gratitude is eternal, infinite.

And because of that, I want to dedicate this post to them.

Not a day goes by without thinking about them and how lucky and grateful I am. They are my Superheroes. Not those Superheroes from comics and movies, my Superheroes are super REAL. I adore to call them that, especially while I hug them! Ramon Cugat, Xavier Cusco, Roberto Seijas, Pedro Alvarez Diaz, as well as the whole foundation Garcia-Cugat. I LOVE YOU! Thank you is just a word, but my word has a deep meaning and it goes from the heart.

– My dear Superheroes this world desperately needs more people like you –

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul!
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.