Hello you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
‘People are so afraid of losing people around them, or a partner, looking at it as a real personal loss, something tragic, and not asking themselves if it really is? And at the cost of their own health, happiness and love, they remain in toxic relationships due to various fears, losing themselves, their peace, their mental health.’
Please always keep this in mind:
As long as you are you, as long as you love yourself, and set clear boundaries, you cannot lose the people who love and respect you because of that, but those who took advantage of you. You lose the manipulators, the liars, the narcissists, the leeches that fed on your blood. You were losing yourself, trying to please them. You lose those who were bad for your mental health.
Just.. don’t blame neither yourself nor them, even tho they were your choice. Because your consciousness was different back then and you thought you were doing the best.
What is important is now. Your awareness. And your ‘awakening’. I know, such awakenings can be very painful. But don’t close your eyes, because that pain has its purpose.
Rather accept yourself, right where you are, and let that be the starting point. Start to love yourself.. because that is the way to become you.
When you learn the importance of self love, you will set clear boundaries. Knowing and vocalizing your limits, you can’t lose the ones that are right for you, do you understand? When you stand up for yourself, your rights, what belongs to you and against everything that is not good for you, you can’t lose anything, you can only gain.
And even if you lose people you think you love and who once loved you, it will hurt, of course, because the feelings were sincere, at least on your part.. But if they don’t like the ‘new you’, authentic you, ask yourself who they loved and why? Some image of you? Their needs of you?
The more you connect with yourself and lose others, it’s can only be a win-win situation. And if it is fresh thing and still hurts, the pain won’t see it that way. Don’t let your pain fool you.
Pain is part of life.. ask yourself what kind of pain do you want? The one that leads you to the authentic you, to ‘freedom’, peace and harmony or the one that leads you to suffering, because you are not the authentic self. First pain passes and turns into growth and the other one turns into misery.
Be you. The real you. Don’t expect others to accept and love you. Because not everyone will want/be able to do so, and that is no reason to change your essence.
And I know that it takes a lot of courage to be authentic in a world full of inauthentic people. Again, focus on yourself. Protect your peace, and live love.
When you love and accept yourself, you radiate differently! You free yourself from everything and everyone who you allowed to prevent you from becoming you.
Accordingly, your environment will also change. You will choose your partner wisely, because you will want authenticity and quality, reciprocity. Not everyone can provide that.
And you don’t need everyone, but only that one, the perfect one for YOU. Wait for that.
Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏💙
Love and namaste,
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