
Resolutions, New year’s resolutions. We all have them. Personally I don’t wait for New Year, nor Mondays to do things. Recently I wrote about it. But, when New Year comes, we all have that wish.. We all make promises to ourselves and set goals for New year. How exciting, riiiight? Like a fresh start. We all love that feeling of having the possibility to start something from the beginning. Oh yeah..

How many starts have you had this New Year?

Have you reached your goals or will you wish for the same things all over again, but this time for real. Like last year. For real.

Have you wrote them down?

Whether your goals are to eat healthier food, go to the gym more, lose weight, drink more water, take better care of yourself.. whatever they are, write them down.

Why is it important to keep a schedule?

I was the one who was thinking that I could keep everything in my head. Wishes, goals, plans, organisation. Mostly I did. But I am so good with procrastination-looking for excuses to postpone things.. and eventually when I finished procrastinating (thanks to my responsibilities), I have this thought on my mind always: Why haven’t I finished before? So I needed to change something. For example I want to finish all my unread books. I wrote the post before about advent calendars and how I have decided to start writing things down. If I hadn’t decided to schedule this.. No matter how much I wanted it, I wouldn’t do it. Too many things are happening at the moment so I was thinking I would have no time.

But.. if he wants something badly enough, he will find the way and time. So I did. So can you.

To start afresh, you don’t need the New Year. You need you. To work towards those goals.

Resolutions won’t work by themselves, unless you do. Neither will your dreams. Don’t make promises to yourself you are not sure you will do. You will feel even worse, keeping that in your mind, and not doing it.

Writing them down, you will commit to yourself to doing them. Of course, don’t write them down and throw that paper away. Put it in some visible place, so you can see it every single day, all day long. You will see, magic will happen.

One ingredient that is very important is your will.

The power of will can move mountains, so why would it be a problem to lose weight? Or to say to someone that you like them? The only person that stops you in reaching your goal is you. I speak about goals that depend on you. Small steps in order to feel better than yesterday.

Yes, life can surprise us often with some unpredictable things, but don’t forget that you still have your goals. No matter what happens, don’t forget to dream and to believe. To believe in yourself. To believe that everything is possible, everything we dream of. I remind you that we live what we believe in. So if you believe that you can’t do something you will be right. Instead of thinking that you can’t, try to change your mindset and try to believe that you can. Again, you will be right. Choose what is better for you.

And if you have reached some of your goals, don’t you just love that feeling of success? When you feel proud of yourself? Write that down too. All those moments when you have achieved something or helped someone, all those situations when you felt proud of yourself. This should serve you as a reminder that everything is possible, and that you can do everything.

So before the clock strikes 12, sit down and write your goals and wishes. I dare you! 🙂

I have scheduled in my life, every single year, thanks to my mom, to watch the New Year’s concert from Vienna. So no matter what time I come back home (if I go out), on January 1st at 11:15 you can see me watching The New Year’s Concert – Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. Which is, btw one of my biggest dreams – to participate live in Musikverein. In my blue ball gown. You see.. I won’t stop believing, just because it seems impossible to get the ticket.

Happy Fresh New Start!

And me.. tomorrow I’ll clap my hands along with Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and Radetzky March.

bye bye.

Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.