Hello you beautiful soul! 💙🙏

 Let’s talk about self-confidence.

And before you think if you have the courage to be disliked, or you already say: of course I have courage, I don’t care what others think.. I would like you to stop for a moment and put your ego aside.

I want to go into a little more detail about it and maybe I can help you by explaining some things.

First, we all like to be liked.

That’s why I’ll ask you: do you have a NEED to be liked by everyone? Have you ever wondered why?

The usual answer is: because you want to be accepted. Loved. By family, friends, society or someone you like or love. It gives you, among other things, a sense of belonging. Importance. That you are worth it. Worth loving, fighting for, spending time with.

Being liked, also, by someone has a positive effect of raising your self-confidence. And that will give you a feeling of worth again.

Unfortunately, no way of achieving all this is correct. These are all important things that you should feel, but not in that way. That way of seeing yourself through others, whether they love you or not, only creates dependence and you allow yourself that your worth depends on the opinions of others. You become a slave to someone else’s opinion.

And the first time you are rejected or when you run out of nice comments and receive a negative one, you will start to doubt your worth and lose self-confidence.

Do you now understand how wrong that is?

And then what if I tell you that you don’t need courage to be disliked? Will you believe me?

What you really need is to ACCEPT (AND LIKE) YOURSELF COMPLETELY. Well, for that, my dear, for that YOU WILL NEED COURAGE.

So you should work on yourself. Let your focus be on you and not on others. Connect with your core self, accept your virtues, and what you see as flaws. Own them. Work on yourself and invest in you, to be more self-confident, better towards yourself every day.

When you love and accept yourself for who you are and how you look.. you won’t care about opinion of others. But, as I said, you have to work on yourself. It depends on you.

It will be difficult and challenging, but very important for you. Because we are not taught to love ourselves, but to always depend on the opinions of others. We are taught to look beautiful for others. To behave nicely, for the sake of others. To make an impression on others, and be accepted by others. To be liked by others. etc.

Who dafak are the others?!? Dear, others don’t matter. Everything you do, do it FOR YOURSELF, to make you feel good.

Because when you do so, you won’t care if you are liked or not.. simply because you won’t value and see yourself through eyes of others!

You will be free and not a slave to others.

And for all that in this world where you are told to live like others.. you will need courage. To be you, liked by you.

The same thing applies for relationships.

You don’t need makeup to look good. You need the right pair of eyes staring at you!

What’s the purpose of putting tone of make up.. is it because you want to look and to feel good about yourself? To boost your self-confidence? Are you doing it for yourself.. or for others, to be liked, accepted, to raise your self esteem? Is it the right way to achieve self-confidence? Or does it just have a temporary effect that goes away after you wash your face?

This applies to everyone and everything.. whether we talk about men or women, make up, clothes, six packs.. car.. name it.. literally everything that comes from the outside and makes you feel attractive and appealing for others.. more self-confident.

Ask yourself.. is that the way you would love to be loved? Is that the right way to feel self-confident? To be remembered? To be noticed? Is that the best you can give?

People reduced, and equalized love to sex, life to money, man/woman to physical appearance.. and yet they wonder why are they unhappy and why they can’t attract someone who can see and love real them?

You give what you have and nurture within, and you accept the love you think you deserve. If you nurture and show nothing but superficiality, don’t expect to be loved for things you don’t show.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.