I often see comments: “This belongs to Facebook, not on LinkedIn!”

Says who?! Ok, I agree that some nude obscene photos maybe are too much, but not just for Linkedin!

Let’s start from beginning.

Some of you will say LinkedIn is a professional network. True. But trust me so is Facebook, if you use it in the right way. So, I would never separate these 2 by professional and unprofessional. It is not about social networks it is about you, who you are, what you are looking for and how you use social media platforms.. Therefore, most of these comments I find superficial. Why? Because behind these profiles, whether is it LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media, are still people who are using these profiles to achieve some goals. On LinkedIn they are just behind the “professional” mask.

Hence why if someone is a c.nt as a person, they will still be a c.nt even on Linkedin.. just a professional c.nt.

People are STILL people wherever they are.

Or no matter what kind of social media they use. So please spare me off bshit comments and don’t have false morals. It is like the sentence: “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said”. So, what I pay attention to are “hidden things” – “inbox stories”, not so much on what has been posted. Inbox stories can discover much more than you think and they can tell you a lot about other people’s intentions. And, as I have repeated so many times: it is all about intentions. Intentions can tell you so much about yourself, as well as about others.

Next thing, if Linkedin is for professionals why have I been deleted, why have I been ignored just because I didn’t want to answer messages like: “Hello”, “Do you have whatsapp..?”, “Skype?” Or simply when I ignored conversations with no sense, that I felt inappropriate especially when I receive “kisses” etc. from “professionals”. Why? Why if Linkedin is a professional network?

The things I like to post on Linkedin, mostly are motivational stories, my blog posts, or I love calling them: my blablabla pearls, or to share something I have found interesting, my work etc.. I love motivational quotes because they make me think, make me question life, things I do. I am a curious person when it comes to life and I love to learn and improve myself. In every aspect of my life. And quotes, they make me think more profoundly. They are good for my brain. Yeah I am blonde and I do have a brain. And also, sometimes I can think. I find motivation as a part of professionalism.. it serves so you can push yourself beyond your limits to accomplish something great, to break the stereotypes.. therefore, before you write your comments or judge something next time, please think before you do it.

I am a professional. ALWAYS.

Whether I laugh or post motivational quotes.. I still remain professional, when it comes to business. So it has nothing to do with any social media. It has to do with me and who I am! And, trust me I am pure professional and very responsable.. I just refuse to be so serious all the time and I like to take this life from the positive, fun perspective. So, “I really apologize” for not being so strict about any social media.

Each person thinks in their own way, from their own perspective, from their point of view based on their beliefs, education, mood, things they’re going through etc.. so what you see in others speaks about you, not about them! I.V. (myself)

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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Categories: Life & Stuff


So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.