Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

‘Strong women STILL need their hands held’.

Why is this being questioned at all? So wrong and terrible. Just because I’m strong it doesn’t exclude the REAL man holding my hand. On the contrary, I love it. However he must be on my level (that’s up to me to feel). To be clear, when I say ‘on my level’ I’m referring to strength, mind and heart set.

Thus.. It made me think about all that jazz, misunderstanding about equal rights between men-women. Just bits of my thoughts to clarify ‘women side’ that many still abuse today, and many women still accept it as normal. Lack of education and understanding can be fatal.

As a consequence, we have the world full of effeminate men and women comparing and competing to those men.

And there are many things to unpack here, but I will try to explain as simple as possible, straight to the point, as always.

I think many people did not properly understand what ‘equal rights‘ meant.. and why women wanted it so badly. And no, it’s not because we don’t want the right man in our life. We want a man who will treat us the right way.

Let’s talk about ECONOMICAL independence.. because that’s the point here. Money. Yes.

That independence did not even have to come to the question if men did not use it like an advantage, treating women inferiorly and poorly.

Just because a woman wants her independence, which is very important.. it doesn’t exclude her ‘need’ of a real man in her life.

Don’t confuse these two.

That’s all about that (economical) independence.. a woman wants to work so that she would not be used, humiliated, controlled, mistreated by a man.

If a woman was respected for who she is, what she gives, what she can do and for being a pillar of the family, these things would not even be demanded.

A man’s ‘role’ is to provide and protect and woman’s to take care and create. No one is competing here, but complementing. Yes, we live in a material world, money serves to make life easier. But if you use money as a way to control others.. it speaks about who you are.

And we all should say NO to that!

HEY.. look, read and understand: Money isn’t the issue, it’s about how you treat the one you love! Money comes and goes but how you treat the one you love speaks about you.. if you throw them in the face things you do for them, because they depend on you economically, what kind of person are you?

And.. we don’t want to be objectified. I see that many women still struggle with this, measuring their worth through looks and how much men like them. Dear girl, this is so wrong. We are capable of doing many things; thus, we want to be respected for who we are, not for how we look.

However, feeling protected and safe.. yes, it’s in our DNA. We can’t neglect it. Every woman needs to feel safe with her man. Woman wants commitment and to depend on her man in the right way. We are there to complement each other not to compete with one another. But she needs a REAL man.

And to all women.. before you demand a REAL man make sure that you re a REAL woman who respects her man for who he is and what he gives. You know, everything goes both ways.

Nonetheless.. We don’t want to be emotionally abused, or to have roles of mothers, therapists, we want to be treated equally, to feel like a woman protected by her man. Promise.

‘She can take care of herself just fine. Still she only wants a man who is willing to lay it all on the line to make sure she is ok. But she will never ask for that. Because when it is real, she knows she won’t have to.’

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.