Hello you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏

To apologise for your ‘success’ (whatever success means to you – define it)? To whom and why?

I’ve been there.

Let’s talk more about success and when others try to make you feel “guilty” for pursuing your dreams. Very often they will see it in a negative way. But remember dear.. it’s not about you it’s about them.. you represent everything they could do but they didn’t. And most importantly.. why opinions of other people matter to you?

If something really bothers me, among other things, are injustice and lies..

I used to wanna protect my name in situations, now I just wanna protect my peace. I let whoever think WHATEVER.

These things still can upset me, because I’m not a robot.. but not in the way they used to. What I’ve learned is to change my reactions towards any situation that can steal my inner peace.

I understand that I can’t change others, neither should I.
I understand that lies and injustices are part of life.
I understand that we live in a world where exist so many unhappy people.
I understand that neither evil people nor injustices will disappear just because I wish so.
I understand that exist people who feed their evil with hurting others.
I understand that they are unhappy.
I understand that how others see me is none of my business.
I understand that how they see me speaks about them.
I understand that how I see others speaks about me.
I understand that we are responsible for our actions and words.
I understand that I choose how I will react.

I understand that my reputations doesn’t matter, but who I’m and my character.

As a very responsible person I understand that even if I’m a spiritual human being I can tell them to f.ck off if I have to protect my peace.

Your garbage belongs to you, not to me.

Live and let live my friends. Live and let live.

And choose wisely your battles.

Again.. To apologise for your success? To whom and why???

To those who were looking for excuses while you were working your arse off to achieve your goals?

To those who were distracting you while you tried to pursue your dreams?

To those who did not believe in you?

To those who criticised you?

To those who were discouraging you?

To those who said that you are crazy?

To those who belittle you and your ideas?

To those who were partying all the time and didn’t understand that you don’t want to go out because you were working on your dreams?

To those who saw you as a threat?

To those who were and who are intimidated by you?

These are type of people who will make you feel “guilty” for your success and who will ask you to apologise.

Trust me those who believed in you won’t ask for apologise for sure. Those are keepers.

The rest don’t matter.

Again to apologise to whom and why?

Apologise to yourself if you feel guilty for others who didn’t succeed. They could have succeeded but they haven’t. And that’s their choice and “mistake”, not yours.

Enjoy your success, whatever success means to you.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 
Love and namaste,
Irina 💙🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.