Hello you beautiful soul!

Valentine’s day? Well.. How much do you love your partner on a scale of the Valentine’s day to loving and accepting completely someone for who they are? Hm?

This is one of those reminders that has nothing to do with dates or any forms, but with the essence, which is love.

For that you don’t need any calendars, reminders and buying gifts that are supposed to ‘prove’ your love for someone. Although gifts are beautiful, and we all love them, as well as attention, surprises, they are by no means the measure of someone’s love.

This is a reminder for love. And we all sometimes need it to bring us back to what is most important. Because we often get lost in daily obligations, stress, and put aside what is the source of life, love.

We neglect the person we love or start taking them for granted.

So let this reminder serve you to stop and check your reality, your relationship as well as your relationships with the people you love.

Don’t wait for special dates, and especially not forValentine’s Day‘, to show someone how much you love them.

That date means absolutely nothing, it is just an illusion of love. It’s better to show love on all other days, not just that one. It is a date that is promoted and used for profit of others, so that people would buy gifts, and then post pictures on Facebook or Instagram showing how much they are loved. And are they really loved? Why do you need to post it on social media? If it wasn’t ridiculous, it would be funny.

Don’t get me wrong, I love gifts.. to give and to receive. But I prefer to give them spontaneously, when I feel that I want to surprise someone.

And it can be on daily basis. I love making other people smile. And those gifts don’t necessarily have to be material gifts.

So whatever it is, whether you are in a relationship or not.. focus on you, not othes. Don’t compare to others, never! Check in with yourself. There is no need to feel sad.

If you are single, wait for the one who will really love you and accept you as you are. And for that you must first accept and love yourself completely. Then to be the person you want in your life.

If you are in a relationship and you love your partner, again, ask yourself how you feel right now, do you feel neglected.. or have you neglected your partner? Ask your partner how they feel. What can you do to improve the relationship? Make a sudden sign of attention. Tell them you appreciate them and WHY you appreciate them. Show your love. COMMUNICATE.

If there is no love.. then why would you be in a relationship? Don’t you think you both deserve love? Again, COMMUNICATE with your partner and make a decision that is good for both of you.

Don’t forget that seemingly small and free things make love and life BIG AND GREAT.

If you want a special relationship, then make it special, both of you!

Nurture your relationships on daily basis, not on ‘special’ occasions. Celebrate Love not just today – but everyday.. love should be celebrated everyday! Love, love, love.. firstly, love yourself. Love yourself! Completely. Then, you don’t need someone to complete you, but you will want to love someone completely! Someone who will accept you as you are and who will love you completely. 💙

If you are a man reading this: Ask her to be your Valentine.. on any other day.. for an instance.. the moment is always right, the moment is always perfect. Don’t wait for dates, holidays.. you never know what tomorrow brings.

Show your love, respect, how much someone means to you.. ALWAYS. We need more love and honest feelings.. 💙

And if you ask me: I think every week should have one day in it when men give presents to women. 😁🎁🎁🎁

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.