Hello you beautiful soul! 🌏🙏

Think about this..
We create stories, scenarios based on our past, habits, beliefs..

Mindful Reminder: An emotion last 90 seconds unless we fuel it with our stories.

We’ve been taught that crying is a sign of weakness, that we must resist and endure the pain.. because that’s a sign of a strength..

And.. that can be quite wrong.. because tears are ok! Tears can help you to let go of emotional or physical pain.

To resist the pain.. by suppressing it? It can be nothing but counterproductive. It may lead to an aggression turned inward.. which is also known as depression. You should feel the pain and live the pain.. learn from it and finding the way to help yourself instead of resist it.

Strength isn’t the absence of fear.. strength is doing the things despite the fear you feel.

Even suffering is optional. But you will continue to suffer until you realise that suffering is optional. And your choice.

Being worried too. Worrying is not a sign of love, but fear. Worrying has no real purpose but stealing your joy. Most things you worry about, actually never happen.. but you put your body under the same stress as it happened.. because your body doesn’t know the difference whether these are just your thoughts or it’s real.

Your body follows your mind.. fuel your mind with positive thoughts, thoughts that really can serve you and help you.

Hence.. another, but this time a gentle reminder: You are still learning. You are still changing. You are still growing. Breathe. You will find your way.

Close your eyes.. take a deep breath.. feel the heart beating in your chest.. you are ALIVE.. and that’s the only thing that matters!

Learning or not, growing or not, falling, raising, changing are part of the journey called life.. and how you will change, how you will transform.. it depends on you.. but keep in mind: it is an endless process.

What matters is now. Just.. Be. Be more, do less. Don’t be hard on yourself.

Remember that we create stories, scenarios based on our past, habits, beliefs..

Embrace yourself! Love yourself unconditionally!

Talk to yourself like you’re talking to someone you love.

Take care of yourself.

Question your beliefs. Change your mindset. Educate yourself. Stay present. Let go of anything that doesn’t serve you, grow you, or make you happy. Eat healthy. Focus on your goals. Spend some time alone. Read books.

Choose what to watch, what to read, choose your friends.. Decide to grow. Choose your thoughts and everything and everyone who nurture your soul! And the rest.. let them go. Don’t force things, rather choose everything that brings you peace.

It’s your life, you’re in charge.

And.. let your love be your guiding “force”.

Love you,

Irina 🦄💙

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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.