Why I don’t Like Job Interviews?

And no, it is not because I am afraid of them, nor I get nervous. I was cold as ice during my job interviews. But.. before this job that I started on my own, of course I had had several job interviews. Often I had seen people panicking even before they were interviewed. I wondered: what was wrong with me??? I was cold as ice. Smiling.

When a job interview started I (almost) rolled my eyes. Every single time I felt: OMG what kind of questions are you asking me? So, just by being me, my answers were everything, but serious. If you ask me: Where do you see yourself in 10 years? What do you want me to answer? For cookies sake, I don’t even know what I am going to eat for a dinner.

Oh, no, wait a minute.. I see myself on a yacht, sailing in the middle of nowhere..

Or do you want me to say that I see myself working my arse off for your company? Without even getting a job in the first place. Come on.. nooo! Well my answer would be: I try to live in the moment.

Then question like: What monthly income would you like to have? I mean seriously?! Do I really have to answer that question? Do you expect me to be modest? Is that what your company is looking for? Will I get a job if I settle for the lowest possible salary? Is that what you want? Sorry, I am not modest. I know and respect my qualities.

Or: Why do you think you would be good for our company? My answer would always be: What makes you think that your company would be good for me?

As you can guess, I never got the job after being interviewed. :)))


Now, I do what I love, and I am not stuck in some company working from 9 to 21. I still work all day long.. But for myself, working on my dreams. Helping others.

Now, I enjoy my job, just because I dared to be different and to say out loud what I think. So.. I am thankful for all those rejections, because of that now I feel free to do what I really love.. Just because I was MYSELF. I was honest and real.

And I stayed true to myself.

So don’t answer those questions based on the expectations of the company. ALWAYS answer based on how you feel.

Hey, it is not that I was without a job for all these years. No no. I have been working since I was 15. But, I got all my jobs by being recommended and based on my qualities that I have shown by working and not talking.


Please folks, think outside the box. IF that job position matters to you, don’t get nervous, because you are so much more than these answers you give. You have nothing to lose! I don’t know who made up these questions.. but surely they are, let me be clear, pure rubbish, not just because you won’t give honest answers, but companies will employ somebody who gave false answers.. So to all companies out there: is that good for your company and your business?

And to anybody who is looking for a job: Be yourself. Believe in yourself! Find what you are good at. Work on that, improve your skills. Never stop learning. Somebody will notice that. And you will be paid for your qualities, not for some fairy tales you made up during job interviews.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.