Why do people hide their age? Not just women.. but so many men out there. I see very often on Facebook, date without the year of birth. I wonder why?

This picture was taken 4 years ago (2016).

Women are under the pressure to look like they are 20 in their 40s.

They do so many aesthetic treatments, surgeries to look better.. yet very few do any of these for the right reasons.. It’s wonderful to see people taking care of themselves for the RIGHT reasons.. and let the real reason be to live a healthy life.

However.. Most of them go under the surgeries in order to be accepted, loved, liked. And.. that’s what we want. We want to be accepted. But again.. why would you like to be accepted by others based on your physical appearance? Why do you need to be accepted by others.. at all?? Who are others?? Why they matter?

Who made up those rules? Why do people follow them? Women’s self confidence is so attached to their look, it is sad and devastating to me.

No to wrinkles, yes to botox.
No to cellulite, yes to cosmetic treatment.
No to aging, yes to surgeries.
No to stretch marks, Yes to lasers. No to small tits, small ass, yes to silicone.
No to face without make-up, Yes to change the look into unrecognizable faces.
No to younger guys, yes to stay married to the guy who sees you like his mother.. is there an end to this list?

Because, hey.. it is not ok to get divorced.. says who, I’m asking again?

No this, not that.. you know what.. fuck off. I’m not your slave.

All of you who say to a woman that she is brave for not hiding her age. Fuck off you too. That’s not a compliment. Don’t you even dare to tell a woman that she looks good for her age! What does that even mean??? Learn to respect woman for who she is, not for her big tits, or how she looks, or how young she is.

To all my women out there: please stop objectifying yourself, if you want to be accepted for who you are!

Know that beautiful face fades away, but your inner beauty never. Radiate your beauty from the inside out. Work on yourself within, have a kind heart and courage to accept yourself just the way you are. Shine bright! This applies to men too.

You don’t need to be accepted by others.. YOU need to be accepted by.. guess who.. yourself!

Can we just age gracefully with dignity, integrity and focus on important things.. like being a good human? Can we? Of course we can, only if we want to.

“The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a Woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.” – Audrey Hepburn

On the other hand.. guys are “allowed” to age.. to have wrinkles, gray hair, bellies.. younger girls.. yet so many of them hide their age. Ridiculously funny.

So.. What I want to say.. In one week I’ll be 41 (31.01.2020). 😍 I accept gifts. Joking, that’s not the point here, but hey who doesn’t love gifts? So.. yes, I receive gifts. Throught the whole year. 😁

Please somebody pinch me, I feel like I’m 29. I suffer from Benjamin Button’s syndrome. 💙

Why age matters and to whom? Age only matters if you mind. I don’t relate myself to my age, but to how I feel.

I have wrinkles. I have cellulite. I have soooo many scars. Young boys.. Oh 😍 naaah.. the world is Full of boys, I like men. DA man. My man. I’m a one man woman. What matters to me is maturity, not age. So many in their 50s who are looking for a mother.. so cut the bullshit.

And I love a man. 💙

Love you all 💙
Irina Vujaklija 🙏🦄
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.