Good morning you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

“Why should I text first?” Is EGO “Why should I always text first?” Is SELF-RESPECT. Note the difference!

It can be confusing to many.. but I’ll try to explain as simple as possible. As always.

Should I write or not, how will they react, what if they don’t like it, what if they don’t respond, why would I do it first.. are just some of the many questions that run through people’s heads.. at the end mostly people decide not to send a message. And that can totally change the course of your life in the opposite direction compared to the other situation in which you sent the message.

So, listen to what I have to say..

Firstly, listen to your heart. Not the voices in your head.. they always make a confusion. It’s your brain, fear that speaks and always finds excuses why not to do what you really want. It’s your fear telling you why your heart is wrong. Heart is never wrong. Recognize this and ignore your chattering thoughts.

Because.. What matters is to be at peace with yourself. To do what you really want, despite the fear you feel, instead of regretting tomorrow that you didn’t say or do it. That’s how you know that you are doing the right thing. That’s why you should always give 100% of yourself.

So if you want to send a message for your essential reasons, send it. Will it be a message that you miss someone, to apologize or everything that lies in your heart and you want to say, do it.

Voices in your head will usually tell you why you SHOULDN’T do it. But your heart will say ‘yes’. This is why it is confusing to many.

Another thing, crucial one is to focus on your expression, not on other people’s reaction.

Don’t pay attention to their reaction, but to express what you feel. To be kind, clear and to be understood.

If they answer in the negative sense, accept it. It’s their choice, not yours. There is no room for regret.

If they don’t answer, that’s an answer in itself. Accept it, and again, don’t regret the message you sent. It’s your ego again, which doesn’t like rejection.

Whichever answer you get, you will know where you are standing at, instead of living in assumptions and regrets. And that gives you peace.

Having a clear picture about something allows you to continue your life in peace with yourself.

Yours is to try and to give your part. It’s as simple as that.

But.. any relationship requires two people who give the same. I’m talking about respect, trust, honesty, love.. WILL to nurture and build your relationship together.

So.. after you gave 100% and there’s no right response from the other side.. stop pushing if it says pull to open. That’s the moment when you have to question things.. and talk about it, if necessary. Just do not plant flowers in the garden of one who does not water them. That’s when your self respect comes into the play.

That’s why you have to learn to love and respect yourself. Then, setting boundaries comes naturally, and from the right place, a place of love, towards yourself. Also acceptance of others and who you are, instead of what you want them to be someone they are not.

We can’t force love, connections, relationships. Love should come naturally and it always go both ways.

Accept it. Be careful who you give your love to. Your energy and your time. Choose the one who chooses you.

Don’t play ego, childish games.. if you want true connection then put an effort in order to build something. And make sure not to live in regret.

Because unsaid things and feelings eat you alive. Let your heart talk, not ego.

So.. please.. Make sure that important messages are always delivered!

You have time and energy to spend on fear, useless thoughts, anger, worrying..? But you don’t MAKE time to talk about your feelings towards others? Really? What’s wrong with this picture?

Oh.. you’re worried(fear) how your message will be received? Again.. you’re spending your time on WORRYING and FEAR, instead of letting you HEART and LOVE to speak..

Speak about your feelings, let people know how you feel about them.

Let people know how they make you feel.

Tell people you love, you love them! Often.

Tell people you miss them. Tell them how grateful you feel for having them in your life!

Speak openly about everything.

Always.. always tell people how important they are to you!

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🏻🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.