Good morning you beautiful soul! 💙🙏🏻

Nothing is certain. You never know what tomorrow holds. You don’t even know what may happen within an hour.

Those who died yesterday had plans for this morning, and those who died this morning had plans for tonight. Don’t take life for granted. In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So forgive often and love as much as you can. You may never know when you may not have that chance again.

Nothing is certain. Nothing in life is certain but death. And I know that many shudder at the very mention of death and are afraid of it.. but I’ll tell you one thing: You are not afraid of death per se, no matter how ‘terrible’ it is, but you are afraid that you can die without having lived your life the way you wanted.

Because.. what gives you that ‘terrible’ feeling is that you are wasting your life, you have so many wishes and few of them are fulfilled. You have the feeling that you are surviving, and time is passing. And then you often panic, because you have no courage or will, you listen to your fears and do nothing to follow your desires.

Big desires require courage, listening to the heart, changes, which are followed by the judgments of others, and all this creates additional chaos.

So you say that you are waiting for a perfect moment.. which will never come, because you are the one who needs to create the perfect moment.

And then you think you won’t have time.. and death will take away all those possibilities.

People reach a certain age and realize that they have spent their lives living it in regret and listening to fears.. They regret unexpressed emotions, words.. Why they did not have more courage to follow their heart.. they pleased others, and forgot themselves? They lived next to someone they don’t love, loving another in their thoughts..

They lived in fear of changes, other people’s opinions, judgments.. and then the very thought of death.. the only thing they want is to somehow turn back time and correct everything they see clearly now.

So listen to me.

You never know what tomorrow holds. You don’t even know what may happen within an hour.

All you have is THIS PRESENT MOMENT, that will become past after you finish reading this word.

Make plans, but don’t live in the future. Never miss an opportunity to say people how you feel about them.

TIME. Make sure you know how you spend your time. Dedicated time is the most valuable gift you can receive and give to someone. You never know how much time you have left, be mindful about this.

HEALTH. Take care of yourself, mentally first of all. You can eat the healthiest foods and workout on daily basis, but if you don’t deal with your sh.t.. no food will help you to be healthy.

BELIEVE. Believe in yourself and your values. Stand up for what you believe, even when you’re standing alone. Question your beliefs, always with an intention to be a better human.

ENERGY. Choose those who vibe like you. And fuel your body properly.

KINDNESS AND GRATITUDE. Be kind to yourself and to others, be grateful for this life that is given to you.. never underestimate the power of kind words and grateful heart.

LOVE. Oh boy.. Start with yourself. Never touch anything with the half of your heart. Always SHOW people you love how much you love them!

‘You can’t give your life more time, so give the time you have left more life.’

And simply put.. Do all those things that make you feel happy.. no matter how scary it sounds, it is the truth: you never know what tomorrow brings! Live your life in the way you want to live it.. do things that makes your heart jumps for joy, of course without hurting others.

Make memories, valuable ones. You know, in life it’s all about little things that matter the most. Simple, small things that make life soo big!

Because in the end, all elderly people say the same things.. they’ve spend so much time worrying (what other people will think), so they regret the chances and risks they didn’t take, to live a better life, to choose a better partner, to say how they feel etc.

Knowing this, instead of waiting the end or to get old, to say the same things.. let’s skip that step and apply it now.. because, you really don’t know what tomorrow holds.

Message him, call her, ask her out, say how you feel, connect with people who are good for your soul, book that trip, explore, learn how to play guitar, dance, dance in the rain, apologise.. do something good everyday, for you and others.. never miss an opportunity to say how you feel about someone.

And love! Love a lot! Share love and kindness, wherever you go.

Don’t forget that we all have “those” days when we need some extra love, hugs, boost or simply to be left alone. Try not to “fix” someone on your way of thinking. Don’t try to fix them at all, no one is “broken”. Rather love them. Practice empathy and compassion. Feel what they need, even ask them.. just don’t project your way of thinking and being on them.. it can be counterproductive. Learn to listen to their needs. Love silently. Prove your love with actions. Love with understanding. Love with hugs.. just love them.

And live your life mindfully, be present, You never know what tomorrow holds.

Depending on when you’re reading this, I wish you either a beautiful day or a good night, you beautiful soul! 🙏🏻🌏
Love and namaste,
Irina 🦄💙
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So, let me introduce myself. My name is Irina Vujaklija and I was born in Belgrade on 31 January 1979. Who am I? Love. I know, you will roll your eyes.. But that is how it is. Discovering my true self wasn’t an easy process. Constantly working on myself, learning by seeking answers to many questions, I have managed to overcome very complicated life situations. Among other things, my severe motorcycle accident in 2004. A life altering moment in just one second.